
Tips Game ( Ninja heroes )

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tips Game ( Ninja heroes )

How is your village, is already getting ninja grade S? you can try new tricks that you can practice to get a ninja grade S.

 another tips game --> LGR Tips
 Ninja with S grade is one grade ninja dream in the game Ninja Heroes. With ninja memppunya grade S you can do many things like mengcombine ninja, put all equip and great skill in the ninja, etc. And certainly ninja S that has a quality that is quite large, and the exact stats of the ninja is also great.
Why ninja grade S a dream? The answer is very simple, because the quality of the ninja is great, and fairly easy to get. But not as easy as it sounds, you need a powerful trick to get ninja grade S.

After yesterday I've never discussed the tricks to get ninja grade S, this time I came back with new tricks that I get from friends who must have been an expert in fishing in ninja hut. Here are a few tricks to get the ninja grade S that you can try.

    1. Simple Tricks
    Why do I call with a simple trick, the answer for this trick is very simple and not very     complicated to put into practice. the first thing to do is:

        Go Ninja Heroes
        Rob building, but the building dirob ninja hut just guys
        Go to the hut ninja
        Use the free basic once
        Use advanced capture when the free basic minutes to 04:35
        Back to hockey respectively

    2. Trick Mainstream
    Mainstream trick is a trick most commonly used various circles, sometimes efficacious         sometimes apes, but quiet guys this trick you can try for myself to get one ninja grade S         using this trick. Here's the trick:

        Rob ninja S in ramen house (remember the S or SS only)
        Claim quest reward ramen house
        Rob all the buildings and the ninja in the village
        Claim daily log
        Whack A Ninja (try to get material items bullion)
        Use the free basic once
        Use advanced capture after one ninja talk
        Back to hockey respectively

    3. Trick Capitalized
    Tricks capital is also one trick powerful enough, to spend a little silver you can already        obtain a ninja with grade S. This trick is also a trick that contributed to increase the         collection S ninja in my village. Here's the trick:

        First you rob all buildings
        Whack A Ninja (try to get material items bullion)
        Resolve any quest
        Sign in to ramen house and rob ninja S and SS
        Log into ninja hut and use the free basic once
        Exit ninja hut
        Train jutse 1x
        Go back into the ninja hut and pay 30k for basic capture silver
        Read bismillah and press advanced capture
        Back to hockey respectively

    4. Tricks Absurd
    This trick is a trick last once the most efficacious trick I've ever heard, maybe today I         would do the trick is to prove the truth. Here's the trick:

        Rob all buildings
        Whack A Ninja free
        Go directly ninja hut
        Use the free basic one
        Use basic capture the paid one time
        Use advanced capture when the free basic minutes to 04:20 by using the middle finger of         the left foot, the foot must use the middle finger and the second Kirki must fit.

The point is actually all depends hockey, would you like to do at 8 or midnight if you're more hockey yes may be. Enough tips and tricks that I can convey. Essentially all the things you can get if you are patient. If you fail today, try again tomorrow onwards, guaranteed in a month you can already collect a variety of character grade S. Good luck guys .. !!