
Health and Nutrition (Tips)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Health and Nutrition (Tips)

Food is a vital thing in life. One vote and also eating foods will result in your health. Additionally when choosing nutrition content of food must be balanced and maintained.

However, as the ordinary people of course we do not know what the right foods and nutrients content. Additionally, it will confuse what foods are right in maintaining health. Therefore, it is very important for you to choose healthy foods exactly like the tips below.

Health and Nutrition
Here's Tips for Choosing Healthy and Nutritious Food

1. Add a vegetable dish.
Eat vegetables always be a backup for a healthy diet. However, vegetables such as what should be chosen? Pollan suggests added berasaskan food dishes especially foliage plants in the daily diet.

2. Animal protein from the best sources.
If you want to eat meat, seafood, chicken select products that are bred in healthy environments. In other words, just taking the food that comes from the best source. You may meet with a guide of various media.

3. Vegetables multicolored.
Variety of food not only makes mealtime more enjoyable. You may add a wide variety of food from vegetable colors. In addition look more beautiful and provoke appetite, colorful vegetables in one dish daily menu contains more antioxidants are necessary to fight chronic diseases.

4. Wheat bread.
The more white bread color the higher the risk of his health. So choose whole grain bread and minimize the use of white flour products.

5. Use fresh foods.
If the buy-sides in the county fair, do not be fooled by processed food products are widely available in markets highways. Should buy fresh food instead of processed foods.

6. Replace snacks with fruits and vegetables.
Substitute snacks that contain lots of salt, fat and sugar with vegetables and fruits.

7. Eat fish.
Fish may be one option nutrient-rich foods. The content of omega-3 in fish is higher compared sardines salmon or tuna.

8. Return to tradition.
Eating food by following the tradition is sometimes more healthy diet versus modern. A number of countries have a tradition of eating a more healthy such as France, Japan, Italy or Greece. You should emulate how communities in these countries run their eating tradition which was more healthful diet versus moden once.

9. Be careful selecting raw materials of food.
When buying processed foods noticed content of raw materials. Perhalusi list contains raw materials, especially the top three ingredients. If too much sugar in the diet, you should cancel your intention to buy let alone eat it.

Hopefully the above article can be useful for everyone who wants to provide a healthy nutritious foods for their families.