
How to Get Pregnant Fast

Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Get Pregnant Fast

Tips directions ejaculate sperm, sex position wife, Style Intimate Relations, Fertile period after period, the frequency of dealing in a week, the influence of the female mucus, and other ways that women Pregnant Fast. Orgasm wife, is also said to increase the chances of getting pregnant fast. tips and natural ways of telling others the following can be tried for those who want to immediately get pregnant and have a Son, of course accompanied by prayer is also yes.

1. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - COFFEE Effect on Fertility of women :
In the study of 9,000 Dutch women, found women who drank more than four cups a day cut the chance of conceiving by about a quarter, or 25 percent. caffeine stimulant present in coffee, damaging the transport of eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Other studies also mention the caffeine in coffee can disrupt egg maturation. so for women who are want to get pregnant, should avoid coffee yes.

 2. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - Sex Positions:
Not all sex positions can give the same opportunities to get pregnant. tips on how to position that allows for the sperm during ejaculation can quickly swim towards the fallopian tubes, is the husband's position at the top (missionary). "Having sex with a male way above -missionary position, making the sperm cells are in a position '' ready to fight '," said Paula. Thus, the position of the husband of the above is the recommended way related positions in order to get pregnant.

3. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - Lying first: There is a tips that when a woman put her legs in a higher position than the head, the way it can be tried in order to get pregnant quickly. "A great way to lie down for 10-15 minutes after sex, but you do not need to lift both legs," says James Goldfarb, MD, Director of Fertility Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA. Should one of the tips empty the bladder before sex so that you are not in a hurry to the bathroom afterwards.

4. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - Increase Fertility Husband and Wife :
The following foods contain some nutrients and vitamins that are good. For tips on how to maintain the fertility of his wife's womb, eg sprouts, avocado, chicken, and milk. While the tips on how to improve the quality of the husband's sperm, such as fish, eggs, meat, etc. with a healthy diet, will increase the chances for faster pregnant

5. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - enjoying sex: When sex is done just because you and your spouse pursue a fertile period for getting pregnant fast, then it is certainly pleasure sex will disappear. Begin to enjoy sex is not an attempt to way in order to get pregnant quickly, but also because you both enjoy and are comfortable doing. Try some variation of the position and location to improve your mood both.

6. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - keeping Frequency sex :
Ancient times, one of the tips means used to aid fertility sex is many ! But in fact, having sex in this way does not necessarily increase a woman's chance of getting pregnant fast. Therefore, if a tad too frequent ejaculation, the possibility of the number and quality of sperm would be reduced.

7. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - noted the fertile period :
Fertile period is the period when the egg ready to be fertilized by sperm. "So one quick tips on how to ensure that women get pregnant, should know very well the menstrual cycle and when the fertile period," said Prof Paula Hillard, MD, an OB and gynecologist at Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA. For those of you who are regular menstrual cycles will be easier to calculate the fertile period. For example your 28-day menstrual cycle, the first day of menstruation on August 8. Compute at day 12 and at day 16. In the case, it falls on 19 August and 23 August. Then your fertile period is August 19 until August 23.
8. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - measuring body basal temperature :
one tips the other way to know when the fertile period, measuring body temperature using a thermometer placed in the mouth or in the vagina for five minutes. Normal body temperature ranges between 35.5 to 36 degrees Celsius. At the time of ovulation, the body temperature will drop and then rise to 37-38 degrees. If tomorrow your body temperature does not return to the normal temperature of 35 degrees Celsius, it is a sign you are in the fertile period, the exact time to have intercourse to get pregnant quickly.

9. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - fertility test kits:
fast program when pregnant Not sure by calculating the fertile period are you doing it manually? Now many, really, counters fertile period on the market. This instrument will measure the levels of LH hormone in urine that usually occurs before ovulation. The test results can be viewed with a certain sign, which states you are in the fertile period or not. Waku most appropriate to test fertility is between the hours of 11:00 to 15:00 pm or 5:00 p.m. to 22:00 pm.

10. Easy Tips to how to order PREGNANT women can QUICK natural & Have a child - Healthy lifestyle:
Check back lifestyle during the time you have. For example, if you are a smoker, stop now! Many tips studies have shown that smoking can reduce fertility. Allegedly smoking habits create channels clogged fallopian so travel inhibited sperm meets egg, increasing ectopic pregnancy until egg quality is not good, so the risk of miscarriage was higher. Other lifestyle that you should avoid to get pregnant quickly is the use of drugs and alcohol in excess.

11. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - Sport:
No one can deny the importance of exercise to our body. But if you are planning a pregnancy reduce the frequency. "Too much exercise can cause your fertile period is interrupted," explains James Goldfarb, MD, Director of Fertility Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA. Why? Due to excessive exercise can cause pituaitary (pituitary) do not stimulate the egg to ovulate. Exercise every day, for 45-50 minutes, according to James, will lead to infertility. So, if you want to get pregnant, healthy tips on how to reduce frequency of exercise is becoming, for example, walking three times a week for 30 minutes.

12. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - keep the weight off: A study shows that obesity in women may reduce the fertility of about four percent. Excess flab could resulted in an overproduction of estrogen which makes irregular ovulation. While the body is too thin can also cause estrogen production is slow, so it is difficult to expect rapid pregnant. Try to have the ideal body weight according to body mass index (BMI), approximately 18.5 - 24.9. Know your BMI with a way for the body weight by height squared in meters. For example: weight 50 kg, height 160 cm. Your BMI is 50 / 1.62 = 19.5 kg / m2 and it includes normal.

13. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - Checks Slime: Try to always check the cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is a blob of mucus like egg white, flexible, and if held uninterrupted you normally find in your vaginal area. How to see it can by using a tissue or a clean finger. If there is cervical mucus in your vagina, it's a sign you're in peak fertile period and became the most appropriate time to have sex to get pregnant quickly. This mucus allows sperm drove into the fallopian tubes with ease. Sperm can also survive "live" for two to three days waiting for a mature egg cells.

14. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - Avoid lubricant: Tools such as pelican can indeed increase pleasure and reduce pain during intercourse. However lubricants contain components that can damage the sperm so it is not recommended for couples who want to get pregnant. To produce natural lubricants do foreplay, with emphasis on touch, hug and kiss that will improve your mood for sex.

15. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - Relax, Enjoy, and live: a very strong desire to get pregnant can make you stress. In fact, stress can make a person lose appetite for sex and make the immune system also decreases. Then try to reduce stress by trying Pray, resigned and sincere. Trust you and your partner are doing their best, the rest is beyond your control. Try to enjoy life. Anything that can reduce stress will increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.

16. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have a child - when to check a doctor ...?
 If you Suda try the suggestions above, but after 1-2 years have not pregnant wife, it's time to consult a doctor. According to the World Health Organization WHO, the definition of infertility is not the occurrence of pregnancy in couples who have sex regularly, without using contraception, a minimum of 1-2 years. But if you are older than 35 years and fertilization has not occurred in the first six months, immediately consult a doctor. While the 40-year-old you are advised to consult three months later because fertility decreases with age bersamaann. If any of you have a fertility problem, do treatment right away. Do not be pessimistic father and mother, because many couples can obtain offspring after intensive treatment anyway.

17. Easy Tips for a way so that women can naturally PREGNANT FAST & Have children - Prayer
as has been discussed earlier in the article, prayer also needs to be done in our need to get pregnant quickly, prayers apart from the couple, also from parents, from other parties are also permissible, the more you pray, the better.
This tips for a way for the program wants to immediately get pregnant and have a Son, certainly while prayerful also ...